Consumer Tips
If There's a Problem with Your Water
CPUD has responsibility for your water service to the meter box. If you have a water problem within your property or structure, it is your responsibility to address the problem.
If there is a leak on your property, attempt to find the shutoff near the source of the leak, whether the water heater, the bathroom, the kitchen, or an exterior leak. The master valve for your service will be located at the meter box.

If there is a leak in the street call the CPUD office right away at 209-754-9442.
Using Water Efficiently
The following links provide much more information on efficient water use and identifying leaks. CPUD has not participated in the development of the material on the links, but provides them for informational review.
Water - Use It Wisely
This website covers efficient water use practices, equipment and appliances, and features a list of "100 Ways to Conserve Water" and a quick water use quiz - Click Here.
Water Management - CA Landscape Contractors Association
The CLCA offers a Water Management Certification Program for contractors and others in order to reduce landscape water usage for their customers - Click Here.
Lowering Water Usage - CA Department of Water Resources
This two-page overview describes ways that parks and commercial water users can achieve better efficiency.