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Press Release 

Calaveras Conserves is reminding all Calaveras County residents that we are still in and expect to continue with severe drought conditions.  We are encouraging all residents to use water wisely to maximize supplies and protect our water reserves in the wake of yet another dry year.

Calaveras Conserves - August Press Release.pdf
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Calaveras Conserves was formed in Spring, 2015 to provide a consistent message to the community during droughts.  Members of this group include, Union Public Utility District, Valley Springs Public Utility District, City of Angels, Blue Lake Springs Mutual Water Company, Utica Power and Water Authority, Calaveras Public Utility District and Calaveras County Water District.  Regular meetings of these partner agencies help meet the goal of providing up to date water conservation information for customers throughout the community. 

Use Water Wisely 

Calaveras Conserves encourages residents and visitors of the County to use water efficiently and prepare for extended dry conditions. While no mandatory conservation measures have been imposed by state officials at this time, Gov. Gavin Newsom is calling on all Californians to voluntarily reduce water consumption by 15 percent compared to 2020 levels. However, state officials may provide updates to conservation measures in the coming months.

During these hot, summer months, residents and visitors alike will need to use water efficiently.  Finding and fixing leaks, taking shorter showers, and installing water conserving landscapes are a few of the ways our community can make a difference.

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CPUD's Conservation Plan

Conservation Plan 


Water Agency Websites


Blue Lake Springs Municipal Water Company

Calaveras County Water District

City of Angels

Utica Water and Power Authority

Union Public Utility District

Valley Springs Public Utility District